Friday, November 27, 2009

Self Motivation: The Power of Love

"Why after attending a seminar motivation, motivation does not last long?" In another article I have discussed that it may decrease motivation. Expected permanent motivation, is the first mistake. The second reason is that we will lose motivation if we only expect motivation from the outside. For the strongest motivation comes from yourself.

In many NLP books mentioned that there are only two motivating factors that pursuing pleasure and avoiding suffering or pain. But if I kerucutkan again, there is only one motivating factor, that is love. The greater our love, the greater the motivation to get up.

Look, many desperate people to commit suicide because of broken love. This illustrates that love has the power to move us, even for things that bad and unreasonable. Maybe you have a lot of listening to stories of love trash, anything done "for love".

Joe Vitale realized the power of love as the primary motivator when he saw the movie 50 First Dates (2004) (First date 50) which describes the efforts of a man who every day try to make seroang women fall for him. Business is done every day, because the idol girl have memory capable of remembering only 1 day. This is just one of several love stories in movies.

You can use the power of love is to gain self-motivation. Of course, not limited to the love of the opposite sex, but love other things too. When you love your job, you will have enough motivation at work. Look pemasin football, in the middle of a tight schedule, they still enjoy playing in the field, because they love the profession as pesebak ball.

However, there is the strongest love. When you do not have this love, so you've wasted your life. This is the greatest love, which motivates the mujahideen on the battlefield. Not afraid to die, not afraid of pain, fear nothing, for the sake of this love. Is no other love, the love of God.

Because the work is part of worship. So did the business is part of worship. And, as worship is our love for God, then our business work and also is the embodiment of our love for God. Should, when we work and business, we will have a high motivation.


Let us pancangkan our intention, that the work of our business and to worship. Let us fertilizer our consciousness, that business and our work is one manifestation of our love for God.

Is there a feeling our love for God? If you feel less, then our faith must be increased again. For the love of God is only owned by those who believe.

As for those who believe, really, really love to God. (Surat al-Baqara: 165)

Focus on Your Strength

A fatal mistake is often done by many people is to fix all his flaws and weaknesses. Instead should not improve, it remains to be done, but with the right proportions. You will spend benyak when trying to fix all the shortcomings and weaknesses.

Everyone has flaws and weaknesses. You and me, we are not alone. Even successful people also have a bunch of weaknesses and shortcomings. They are not without shortcomings and weaknesses, they can be successful because they focus on their strengths rather than fix any shortcomings or weaknesses.

Even if you want to improve yourself, choose the things most important to you. You can not fix it because going to spend your life. All people are given the advantages and disadvantages. Optimize your strengths and you will soon get a brilliant result.


1. Identify your strengths. What do you do well, excel, and most produce?
2. How do I use your strengths to achieve your goals.
3. Learn more about how to achieve your goals. Identify the assets and skills required.
4. You will find (perhaps) some of the skills you need but you can not. Maybe this is your shortcomings.

If you want to correct deficiencies, then focus on improving these shortcomings. This is a deficiency that you need to fix, so do not you fix all the deficiencies. Only the required course. Thus, you will not spend time on things that are not important.

But in addition we repair deficiencies, there are actually other things you can do, namely to cover shortages. What's the difference? Shortfall is not always by yourself. You can cover the shortage by working together, delegation, or outsourcing.

Meanwhile, you can focus on your strengths. Use your power as optimal as possible so that the results would be great or you become a person of extraordinary. With this mindset, you will not be time wasted, you will focus on important things. Achievement and success will be achieved. [Revolusi Waktu]

Ummu Fadhl -Rodhiallahu 'anha-

He is Lubabah bint al-Haris ibn Bajir bin Huzn bin Hilaliyah. He is Lubabah al-Kubra, known as the Umm Fadl kuniyahnya. Umm Fadl was one of four women who expressed his faith by the Prophet Sholallahu 'alaihi wasallam. The fourth woman is Maimunah, Umm Fadl, Asma 'and Salma.

As is the Mother of the Believers Maimunah Rodhiallahu 'anha brother of Umm Fadl. While Asma 'and Salma are both sisters of the road because both his father is the daughter of' Umais.

Umm Fadl Rodhiallahu 'anha was the wife of Abbas, uncle of the Prophet Sholallahu' alaihi wasallam, and mother of six noble, intelligent, and yet there was a woman who gave birth to men like them. They are Fadl, Abdullah al-Faqih, al-Faqih Ubaidullah, Ma'bad, Qatsam and Abdurrahman.

About this Fadl Umm Abdullah ibn Yazid said,
No man who gave birth to the people that I see leading as the sixth son of Umm FADH
Son of two noble parents
Uncle Mustafa noble Nabiyul
Closing the Apostles and the best of messengers
Umm Fadl Rodhiallahu 'anha converted to Islam before the Hijrah, he was the first woman who converted to Islam after Khadijah (Mother of the Believers Rodhiallahu' anha) as reported by his son Abdullah ibn Abbas Rodhiallahu 'anhu, "My mother and I are among those who are oppressed of women and children. "

Umm Fadl Rodhiallahu 'anha including high-ranking woman and noble among the women. Sholallahu Rasulullah 'alaihi wasallam sometimes visit him and sometimes a nap in his house.

Umm Fadl Rodhiallahu 'anha was a brave woman and faithful, who fought the enemy of Abu Lahab Allaah and killed him. Narrated by Ibn Ishak from Ikrimah said, "Abu Rafi 'slave of Allah Sholallahu' alaihi wasallam said, 'I've become slaves to Abbas, when Islam came to the Abbas to Islam followed by Umm Fadl, but Abbas is still respected for his people."

Abu Lahab could not accompany the war of Badr and mewakilkannya to Ash bin Hisham bin Mughirah, so their habits when not following a war so he represents to others.

When came the news of what had happened to the people of Quraysh in the battle of Badr in which Allaah has been humiliating and degrading Abu Lahab, then on the other hand we feel the strength and 'Izzah ourselves. I was a man who is weak, I'm working to make glass that I carve in the rocks around the zam-zam, for the sake of Allah one day I was sitting there next to me while Umm Fadl, who was sitting, before we walk, but no good has come down to us, suddenly there came a run of Abu Lahab then sitting, when she sat suddenly people say, 'This is it Abu Sufyan ibn al-Harith had come from Badr. Abu Lahab said, "Come over here so I'm waiting for your news.

Then sit Abu Jahl and the people stood gathered around him. Abu Lahab said, "O son of my brother preach how the human condition (in the battle of Badr)?" Abu Sufyan said, "By Allah, when we meet them, they suddenly will not cease attacking our forces, they fight against us as they pleased, and they captured us they liked. By God even when I raise such forces, we saw a group of male black and white horse was in the midst of men, by God they did not set foot on the ground. "

Abu Rafi 'said, "I picked up a stone in my hands, then said,' By Allah it is an angel. Suddenly Abu Lahab fist and hit me with a hard blow, so I've made him angry, then he grabbed me and slammed me to the ground, then she sit me and beat me while I was a man who is weak. All of a sudden there stood Umm Fadl Rodhiallahu 'anha took a stone pillar and his Tap your hard on the head of Abu Lahab that hurt him badly. Rodhiallahu Umm Fadl' anha said, 'I have so weaken its credibility fell. "

Then wake up in a state of Abu Lahab humiliated, By Allah he does not live after that but only seven in the evening to which Allaah has laid on Him the ulcer disease that causes death. "

Such treatment of a brave woman who mukminah against the enemy which Allaah has thus become gugurlah pride and honor because of tainted merosotlah. What a proud history of Islam which has been recorded Umm Fadl Rodhiallahu 'anha as a model for the women who nurtured by Islam.

Ibn Sa'd mentions in the ath-al-Kubra Thabaqat that Umm Fadl Rodhiallahu 'anha a day dream with a wonderful dream, so she hastened to complain to the Prophet Sholallahu' alaihi wasallam, he said, "O Messenger of Allah I am dreaming as though some of thy members should be in my house. " Sholallahu Rasulullah 'alaihi wasallam said,
"Your dream is good, later Fatima gave birth to a boy who later would you feed it with milk that you give for your kid (Qatsam)."

Umm Fadl Rodhiallahu 'anha came out with joy because of the news, and not long after Fatimah Rodhiallahu' anha delivery Hasan ibn Ali Rodhiallahu 'anhu who later cared for by Umm Fadl Rodhiallahu' anha.

Umm Fadl Rodhiallahu 'anha said, "when I came Suata Messenger Sholallahu' alaihi wasallam, with a baby is the Messenger of Sholallahu 'alaihi wasallam immediately picked her up and kissed the baby, but suddenly the baby peed Sholallahu Rasulullah' alaihi wasallam, and he He said, "O Umm Fadl hold this child because he has mengencingiku."

Umm Fadl Rodhiallahu 'anha said, "So I took the baby and I pinched that she was crying, I said," You have trouble because you have the Messenger of Allah on him. "When seeing the baby's crying Sholallahu Rasulullah' alaihi wasallam said," O Umm Fadl you are troubling precisely because it has made my son cry. "Then the Prophet Sholallahu 'alaihi wasallam asked for water and he splashed into the urine affected later said,
"If a baby boy then percikilah with water, but when she then wash the baby."

Among the memorable events Lubabah bint al-Haris Rodhiallahu 'anha is when many people asked him when the day of `Arafah is the Messenger of Allah Sholallahu' alaihi wasallam shaum or not? So with his policies, he eliminates the problems that had befallen the Muslims in a way he called one of his children and then told him to send a glass of milk to the Prophet Sholallahu 'alaihi wasallam, when he was in Arafat, and then when he found the Prophet Sholallahu' alaihi wasallam to be seen by everyone he accepted a glass of milk and then drink it.

On the other side of Umm Fadl Rodhiallahu 'anha studying hadith ash-Sharif from the Prophet Sholallahu' alaihi wasallam, and he narrated the hadith as many as thirty. As for who narrated from him is his son he Abdulllah ibn Abbas Rodhiallahu 'anhu, that is his slave Tamam, Anas Ibn Malik, and others.
Then wafatlah Umm Fadl Rodhiallahu 'anha at the time of Caliph Ustman ibn Affan Rodhiallahu' anhu after left us a good example that should be imitated as a mother who gave birth shalihah figures such as Abdullah ibn Abbas Rodhiallahu 'anhu; kyai Turjumanul people and the Koran ( an expert in the interpretation of the Koran), So has provided the best example for us in terms of heroism which emanates from the true belief that comes from the courage that the enemy could drop Allaah has given the most severe hostility. [Mahmud Mahdi al-Istanbuly]

Translate text, web pages, and documents

Doom is like a bill of debt. Not expected to come, but certainly visited. Anyone will be able to turn traffic deaths. No matter the age, let alone social status. Sometimes, never imagined, when death is ready to meet a dear person.

Not all of us ready to face the death of those we love. Does the mother, father, husband, wife, children and other relatives. In a variety of unpreparedness that we can react unconsciously expressed. Started crying, angry, and even fainting. And that is now faced Bu Neng.

A month already Bu Neng second son died. The youngest age of three years is no longer helpless in the face Tipes disease. Actually, the boy kept hoping for Bu Neng large: cute, smart, nimble, and obedient. There are many other good qualities that only Mother Neneng themselves understood.

She could still see how the child's prayer. Diligent, but funny. He often wore his cap a big course. One of the most harmonious prayer the youngest hate: basil. The reason, in the fall rukulah cap. "Well, come off!" Said the youngest in memory of Mrs. Neneng.

His smile was the youngest has not lost in the shadow of Bu Neng. Sweet, charming. Tiredness after the trouble in the kitchen could vanish if the youngest smile. "Tired, yes, Mom?" He said, taking off his smile. Her lips parted beautiful. His gaze was so hard to interpret a concern that very deep. Like, he wanted to give a gift in exchange for Bu Neng distress. But, just a smile can offer.

"Ah, my son ...," Mrs. Neneng muffled voice. Mothers who are also employees of a private company as drawn in the shadow of the youngest lawsuit. If it were so, he drowned in guilt. He felt that his work has split at the office of his two worlds. World women and women who want to develop the potential and careers.

However, the sharpness of the lawsuit that her husband often blunted Bu Neng. "You're not the type of mother who abandoned the child. And again, hours of work you're only six hours a day, "said the husband assured. At that moment, the spirit of Bu Neng refreshed. Speech he really think his heart straight crookedness that is not karuan.

Bu Neng also been blamed aides. "What the hell, sister. Kok sick children do not cepet taken to a doctor! Basic village! "Bu Neng snapped one day. No longer control his anger. He forgot about his anger was directed to an old woman the same age as her mother. Santunnya suddenly evaporates some where. And, Inahlah Mbok tears that eventually reduce Bu Neng emotions. Sobs a woman who had little care when re-align Bu Neng reason.

Unfortunately, reasoning that came too late. Inah Mbok already sick. His heart was torn apart by words such as his young master. Inah Mbok really want to protest. Bu Neng not just a loss, he was like losing a precious jewel. That alone makes the heart stricken. Especially if blame blame as 'village'! Since then, Bu Neng no longer able to enjoy Inah Mbok services. The old mother had returned home.

Who else can be blamed? The feeling is that often piercing the heart Bu Neng. Her subconscious was still unable to accept the reality of what happened. Why should the youngest. Why not someone else. Why God is not fair!

Make this one, awareness Bu Neng actually in the lowest level. And that's when he thought the conflict had claimed his understanding of destiny. He was disappointed with the verdict of God. In fact, once he understood that God is Wise. He knew very well that a bad event has two sides: the test and wisdom.

But, that's where the problem. Disappointment Bu Neng had buried his consciousness. He no longer could see the two sides. Examination was heavy make sense Bu Neng dose. And, his views about the wisdom behind it like a suspicion of smoke covered in destiny. Why should the youngest is just three years to enjoy life? Why not him. He is more pleasure if the bungsulah who feel what he feels right now.

Maybe, when this is Mrs. Neneng feel something tangible from destiny. That fate, especially in contact with the dying will intersect with a lot of things. Problem understanding, maturity, readiness, awareness, and patience. How often, he said 'take what is' to a friend musibah.Tapi affected, it is only limited understanding. Others have not.

Bu Neng consciousness began to recover when he looked around the room his home. Lonely. No more giggling laughter the youngest. No more saying 'Tired, huh Mom?'. No more entertainment cap fell. No more smile that makes good heart. That is the reality. Life is real, there was death. If you dare to accept life, why be afraid to meet death. "My youngest is already dead," whispered her heart of hearts. Slowly but surely, his consciousness began to rise.

Bu Neng awareness figure reminiscent of a Muslim in the time of the Prophet, Umm Sulaym. A mother who just hid the news of the death of the son of his father's only child traveling far. She worried that her husband was shocked. With patience, awareness, and maturity, sweet tertutur news of his mouth. "The owners have taken possession of dititipkanNya," that's saying to her husband Sulaim Umm.

How he was very familiar about the story, but only time can give birth admiration. Not all knowledge led to consciousness. And this time, he really felt dwarfed when compared with the story he used to say it. How could a mother can cope with single sons obituaries.

"Astaghfirullah!" Bu Neng began regret that. Knows how many victims who have been subjected to kepicikannya. Somehow Inah Mbok feeling in the village now. And one more, he has sued the wisdom of the All-Wise, God Almighty.

Life and death are the secrets of God. No one who knows, what life was born. And no one thinks, who picked up the death. Doom is not like a bill of debt. Only difference, death came not say anything.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Expression of gratitude came from seeing how to view the gift. Slightest pleasure when seen from a smaller angle, which appears always grateful: ah, there is still more or less. But unfortunately, sometimes one can be larger than two.

God is so great pleasure slaves for him. In any case, nothing was spared in favor of a servant of God himself. Included in family life.

Anyone who ever, even probably, feel how unpleasant through life with their own. The world becomes felt narrow, simple, and there-spinning there. Do not be surprised if the single stress easier than it already married.

There are many other pleasures that no longer can count. There Zahir favor of adding material. And also favors the mind that life is more valuable.

Interestingly, gratitude may arise drowned. And one of the formulas to stay awake gratitude is to look at fewer. And, they look more or less. That's what Mom used to do Sisri.

Apparently, no mother happier than Mrs. Sisri. Mother of three children was always grateful, whatever the gift of God: a little, let alone a lot. Spoken like never dried from the word 'thank God'.

In fact, if viewed in terms of wealth, Mrs. Sisri not rich. His house no more than sixty square meters. No levels, and normal roof tiles. If it rains, Mom had trained Sisri put a bucket to accommodate roofs that leak. But, he remains grateful.

Mom who always addressed her Sisri about just one: there are still many people who have no home. He always closed his eyes when a neighbor, close friend who has a good home. "Let it their livelihood!" Bu Sisri said to her children.

Almost every day, Mrs. Sisri visiting neighbors whose homes are smaller, more narrow, more often leak, from Mrs. Sisri own home. He forced himself persist for at least an hour. It was then that he could listen to vent their neighbors. Sad. Far more sad than the house was Mrs. Sisri. After that, he said softly, "Thank God. I'm still better, O God!"

The most makes Sisri thanks Mom, about the bathroom. Imagine, a house four times the size of three feet of row about ten houses with ten families only available five bathrooms. In fact, one house may consist of six people. Make a facial, they have to queue. Mom did not imagine just what if Sisri already dying for a bowel movement. Although simple, Mrs. Sisri still have their own bathroom. At that moment, he was again able to say, "Thank God. Alhamdulillah. Thank God!"

Apparently, Mrs. gratitude Sisri a blessing. Without the slightest surprise, the legacy of marshland in-law sold expensive. In fact, the land area of four hundred square meters was almost forgotten her husband and Mrs. Sisri own. Because there is building the pass, builders ready to buy the land for one million per meter. In other words, the husband of Mrs. Sisri be worth the money shock four hundred million dollars. Subhanallah! Thanks our Allah!

Why so much money? Mrs. Sisri confused. He handed it to her husband's affair. After all, it was her own right. What is important for Mrs. Sisri, the children are no longer confused about the school fees. That's it. The other, whatever.

Since then, there were differences in the family atmosphere Sisri Bu. Houses have been repaired. Not what it used that often leak. Also have ceramic floors. Page terpagari with neat houses. Anyway, interesting. And more importantly, the children no longer sleep in any place. Because of their bedroom was built on the top floor.

Mrs. Sisri happy? Of course. He is very happy, grateful with abundant blessings. But, he felt something other than her husband. Mrs. Husband Sisri so often out of town. At least, that's what Mrs. Sisri heard from her husband's mouth when a few days do not come home. The uncomfortable, the husband of Mrs. Sisri often indifferent to the family atmosphere.

As usual, to keep thankfully, Mrs. Sisri who visited more uncomfortable than he. The best of friends when in high school Rohis Bu Sisri choice. Several years ago he had heard from another friend when his best friend's husband was left behind forever. Her husband died in an accident. And not one single child they get. Without a husband, no kids. "Poor thing!" Inner Sisri said Mrs. remember that. Although the journey must be nearly four hours, Mrs. Sisri willing bercapek-tired after a refreshing sense of gratitude that.

When that meeting, Mrs. Sisri had shed tears. He listened to all his friend's life story. Occasionally, his hands were busy rubbing tears that sometimes moist around the eyes and cheeks. At that moment, her gratitude to recover. What a pain of being without a husband. "Thank God, O God. I still have a husband," said Mrs. Sisri refreshing inner heart.

Lengthy story to a friend Mrs Sisri a time, "Thank God, I am now married again. One month ago." Bu Sisri smiling, too. "Thank God," said Mrs. Sisri said. "With whom?" asked Mrs. Sisri later.

The friend went for a while. He also returned with a framed photograph of an antique. There was a photo of the friend with a special outfit with her new husband.

"Husband?" Bu Sisri inner voice interrupted. He began to fidget with the photograph. His face was sweating. "His name?" asked Mrs. Sisri little shaky. And, almost fainted Sisri Mom. The reason, the name of the friend who called her husband's name exactly.

Feather sheet Eyes

Described in Judgment Day future, there was a servant of God is on trial. He was convicted, old waste in the world for the sinner. But he insisted denied. "No. By the heaven and the earth was not true. I do not do all that.

"But witnesses said that you really have plunged yourself into sin," replied the angel. The man turned to the left and right, then to every corner. But strangely, he did not find any reply witnesses were standing. There was only him alone. So he went to refute, "Which witnesses are you talking about? Here there is no one but me and your voice." "These witnesses were," said the angel. Suddenly her eyes spoke, "I'm looking at." Followed by ear, "I wrote to listen." Nose was not left behind, "I'm a kiss." Lips confessed, "I am a flirt." Tongue adds, "I am the suck." Hand continued, "I have a feeling and squeezing." Leg up, "I used to run when caught." "Well if I allowed, all members of your body will testify about the actions that your shame, said the angel.

People are not able to open sanggahannya again. He was desperate and very sad, because it will soon end up in the inferno. In fact, he felt it had been freed from sin's allegations. When he was grief-stricken, suddenly heard a very soft voice of a piece of her lashes: "I also want to also take the oath as a witness." "Go ahead", said the angel. "Frankly, near death, on a deserted midnight reply, I've dibasahinya with tears when she was crying regret what is bad. Did not the prophet had promised, that if there was a servant and then repent, even though a piece of the lashes are water terbasahi eyes, but had forbidden him from the threat of hell fire

So I, a feather eyes, able to appear as a witness that he had done penance till my wet with tears of regret. "With a testimony that the lashes, the person on release from hell, and delivered to heaven. Until resonant voice to the residents heaven:

"Behold, the Servant of God was in heaven because of the help sheet eyelashes." (the grace of God) It's God's Gift Giver ....