Described in Judgment Day future, there was a servant of God is on trial. He was convicted, old waste in the world for the sinner. But he insisted denied. "No. By the heaven and the earth was not true. I do not do all that.
"But witnesses said that you really have plunged yourself into sin," replied the angel. The man turned to the left and right, then to every corner. But strangely, he did not find any reply witnesses were standing. There was only him alone. So he went to refute, "Which witnesses are you talking about? Here there is no one but me and your voice." "These witnesses were," said the angel. Suddenly her eyes spoke, "I'm looking at." Followed by ear, "I wrote to listen." Nose was not left behind, "I'm a kiss." Lips confessed, "I am a flirt." Tongue adds, "I am the suck." Hand continued, "I have a feeling and squeezing." Leg up, "I used to run when caught." "Well if I allowed, all members of your body will testify about the actions that your shame, said the angel.
People are not able to open sanggahannya again. He was desperate and very sad, because it will soon end up in the inferno. In fact, he felt it had been freed from sin's allegations. When he was grief-stricken, suddenly heard a very soft voice of a piece of her lashes: "I also want to also take the oath as a witness." "Go ahead", said the angel. "Frankly, near death, on a deserted midnight reply, I've dibasahinya with tears when she was crying regret what is bad. Did not the prophet had promised, that if there was a servant and then repent, even though a piece of the lashes are water terbasahi eyes, but had forbidden him from the threat of hell fire
So I, a feather eyes, able to appear as a witness that he had done penance till my wet with tears of regret. "With a testimony that the lashes, the person on release from hell, and delivered to heaven. Until resonant voice to the residents heaven:
"Behold, the Servant of God was in heaven because of the help sheet eyelashes." (the grace of God) It's God's Gift Giver ....
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