"Those who say 'Rabbunaa' l-Laahu 'then they istiqaamah (affirming the establishment), then the angels will descend upon them (saying),' Do not be afraid and do not be sad and glad you with jannah that God had promised to you "(Surat FUSH-SHILAT: 30)
The sky above us that stretched as far as the eye could see she sometimes bright blue and sometimes the clouds rolling-decorated wine, beautiful and soothing, but it is sometimes scary and dark blackened seemed less friendly. And he is God's creation .....
Similarly, our earth trampling, we spit, we are full of garbage and sesaki with dirt, she's so beautiful sometimes charming, sometimes reassuring and he also seemed distant, refusing our presence, and she brought God's creation, too .....
They are creations of God who never separated from the orbit of compliance, the path and position keta'atan resignation.
How beautiful they istiqomah .....
Their submission to the role so naturally, they are not keta'atan imposed. Sincere ... We ...??? What about us ...???
Confirms the position that our Lord is God and maintain our consistent as the slave of servants of God is another uphill battle. And often he had to pay dearly in drip tears, sweat and blood.
May struggle to keep istiqomah must end with a smash broken body on the cross (Khubaib bin 'Ady), or into the hot pan dijerumuskan already filled with boiling oil (Siti Masithoh), or perhaps the body because rosaknya roasted sun deck, dihentam all-out and stabbed with a spear from the base to the tip of the head peha (Sumaiyyah).
But .... semerbaknya They have felt the sacrifice and gather the fruits are ripe and fragrant. They've drank the pond of happiness and comfort reach the heavenly garden which could not keni'matannya unmatched by our lives now.
So, how do we ...?
It was when ruled by RasululLaah SAW for "Amantu bi 'l-Laahi, thumma' staqim", then our attitude may be the same as Sufyaan ibn 'Abdi' l-Laahi specifically with this statement we will be busy and too busy to continue working with istiqomah our faith.
Declaration of faith that requires embodiment, request proof and demanded 'charity Salih. It is proof that is not necessarily synonymous with violence, outrageous or even torture, murder, but if that happens then we have received and sewajarnyalah sacrifice meni'mati.
Sacrifice (At-Tadhhiyyah) is the right of every Muslim. Every Muslim has demanded the right granted him and gave up his body to be evidence of sacrifices in order istiqomah with faith to God who creates, giving rezeqi and bought every one of us.
Istiqomah is evidence of a determination to keep running Sabiili fii 'l-laah and embodiment akhlaqu' l-kariimah. He is consistent, and persistent resistance.
How wonderful if we could end the life of the play and this mirage istiqomah in His ways. The road already taken by the Prophets and the Apostles, the Shiddiqqiin (category honest with syahadahnya), the Shoolihiin (among those who Salih and always spread kesholihan) and successor-successors. The road which according lust slaves and servants of Satan is a street full of thorns, painful, and stupid, but ...
We think he is the only road that led us to mardhoti 'l-laah, jannahNya and certainly a beautiful way ...
"Among those who believe there are people right with his promise to God. Among those who have fulfilled a promise (see syahidnya) and among them are still waiting (to see syahidnya) and they did not change his word. " (Surat al-Ahzab: 23)
How pretty istiqomah it ... Wa 'l-bi Laahu knows best' sh-Showaab. [Aidil HERYANA]
We Moved!!
8 years ago
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